Unlocking Mobility: The Graston Technique Explained

Remember that time you pushed yourself a little too hard at the gym, and the next day you woke up feeling like a rusty tin man? Maybe it was a lingering pain from an old injury that just wouldn't seem to go away. Graston Technique may be right for you — let's dive deeper into the science behind this technique and how it might benefit you.

What is the Graston Technique?

Developed by David Graston, a former athlete himself, the Graston Technique is a form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) that utilizes stainless steel instruments to identify and address abnormalities in soft tissue. By applying friction with these tools, therapists aim to break down adhesions and scar tissue, increase blood flow to the area, and promote healing. [1]

This is where the science comes in. The Graston Technique is a form of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) that uses specifically designed tools to target scar tissue, muscle adhesions, and other soft tissue restrictions. Studies have shown that it can be up to 90% effective in improving pain and function for a variety of conditions [1].

Benefits Backed by Science

While more research is always needed, several studies have found promising results for the Graston Technique. A 2015 literature review published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research looked at 22 studies on IASTM, including Graston Technique. The analysis concluded that IASTM was likely effective for reducing pain and improving function in people with various musculoskeletal conditions. [2]

Another study, investigated the use of Graston Technique for chronic low back pain. The researchers found that patients who received Graston Technique along with exercise therapy experienced significantly greater pain reduction and functional improvement compared to those who only received exercise therapy. [3]

Faster Recovery, Reduced Pain, and More: Potential Advantages of Graston Technique

So, what exactly can you expect from Graston Technique? Here are some of the potential benefits:

  • Faster recovery times: A key advantage of Graston Technique is the potential to accelerate healing. Studies suggest it can help you get back to your activities quicker by promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation.

  • Reduced pain: By breaking down scar tissue and promoting blood flow, Graston Technique can help alleviate pain and improve your range of motion.

  • Less reliance on medication: The pain-relieving effects of Graston Technique may allow you to reduce your dependence on pain medication.

  • Improved flexibility and range of motion: By addressing restrictions in soft tissue, Graston Technique can help you move more freely and with less discomfort.

Important Considerations

While Graston Technique offers a range of potential benefits, it's not a magic bullet. The treatment may cause some bruising or discomfort, and it's important to find a certified Graston Technique practitioner to ensure proper application. It's also important to note that Graston Technique is often used in conjunction with other treatment modalities, such as exercise therapy, for optimal results.


The Graston Technique is a promising approach for those seeking to recover from injuries and improve their overall musculoskeletal health. With its focus on promoting tissue healing and reducing pain, it can be a valuable tool in your rehabilitation journey. If you're struggling with chronic pain or limited mobility, it might be worth exploring this innovative approach to soft tissue treatment — contact us today to schedule!



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